On March 23rd, 2023, at InfoPlus company headquarter held the Meeting, Exchange and update IBM product program between IBM, InfoPlus and distributor FPT SYNNEX. Participate in the Meet, Exchange and Update IBM products program are technology experts, leaders of InfoPlus, IBM and FPT SYNNEX departments.

Sharing at the program, representatives of IBM Vietnam and FPT Synnex highly appreciated InfoPlus’s potential to develop and expand IBM product business solutions in the Vietnamese market and in the future the Southeast market.

Currently, InfoPlus is known to be the official distributor of IBM’s key technology products for Finance and Banking customers, etc.,

In addition to distribution, InfoPlus also has a hi-tech team specializing in direct consulting and supporting infrastructure design for customers to understand more about the products and choose IBM products in Vietnam and is expected to expanding into Southeast Asian markets.

Through this meeting, IBM Corporation and FPT Synnex Distributor hope that InfoPlus shall be a bridge to provide quality technology products and increase customer experience. Let’s review the images from the recent meeting at InfoPlus.

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